Sunday, February 19, 2012

Footer with a dynamic amount of Textboxes with dynamic Textbox Properties


I have to create a report with an footer that has different layouts. This depends on a parameter. So for example the parameter is "1" there must be 4 Textboxes with a special location, font, width, height, text and so on. If the parameter is "2" there must be only 2 Textboxes. If Parameter is "3" ... and so on

Does there exists a solution for my problem?

Thanks in advance!Hi! Here I am again...

The following ideas are failed:

- Creating a subreport in footer (tried to trick the UI -> using XML Code->failed with preview)
- Delete the footer and put a table on the bottom of the body with a subbreport that includes the different textboxes (this is not a really footer)
- using a picture with a picture format of a pdf file (doesnt work) or a vector picture (unfortunately bitmaps or jpegs are rendered in bad quality in pdf)

My idea would be the following:
- putting the max amount of the needed textboxes in the footer and create for each Textproperty a switch statement that depends on the parameter
for example: TextBox property width: =Switch(Paramter="1", "10cm", Parameter="2","2cm")
and this for each each TextBox property.

This is a circumstantial way in my opinion.|||has nobody an idea for my problem? Or can someone suggest me another forum?

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