Monday, March 26, 2012

Foreach file

I loop through a list of files in a directory and one of the tasks in the container is to validate the xml file against dtd if this succeeds i process the file and the lforeachloop gets the next file. If validation fails i then delete that file,the problem i am having is that whe the xml task fails it stops the whole for each container even though the failparentonfailure is set to false.

How can i get the foreach container to continue to the next file after the xmltask fails (validation) and the file is succesfully deleted?

PS is their away of posting the DTSx screenshot as this might explain it better?

Try setting the xml task's ForceExecutionResults property to Success.|||

If the xml task(valid) is success i extract the nodes if it fails(invalid) i delete the file. If i force the success it will fail down the line when it tries to process an invalid xml file. i.e Get file --> if valid Process File/If invalid delete file --> Get next File.

Below the result of next task if a force success

[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.".

|||Set MaximumErrorCount (package properties) to some high number, perhaps 999 or something like that.

The default is 1, so even though you've told it not to fail the parent, the package still sees one error and then stops.|||

I dont want to tamper with the package error setting as some items exit on failure correctly. What i want is in my loop conatiner if the validate xml fails i delete the invalid file and get the next file. The scope of the failrwe is within the foreach loop and the only step i want it to continue looping through files is when i detect an invalid file and successfuly delete it.

I think it would be easier to understand what i am trying to do if i could post the screen shot of the control flow.


MikeTomkies wrote:

I think it would be easier to understand what i am trying to do if i could post the screen shot of the control flow.

You can send me the screen shot via my posted e-mail on my profile. I can then host it and post it here.|||Did you get my screenshot, Anybody else able to help?

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