Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Foreach Loop and Package Configuration

I am trying to build a package that moves data from one server to another. My plan is to make the package dynamic in that the source and destination connection and sql statements are strored in the package configuration.

Is it possible to have a foreach container loop through each configuration?

Russ Jester

And do what? Why do you want to loop through a configuration (I presume you mean a configuration file)?

-Jamie|||I wanted to set configuration items and store them in a configuration database. Idaally I would like to loop through each configuration item to load data from source tables to my target.

I saw this as a way to build a package that would load data based on the source table, source sql, and target table pulled from the configuration. Instead of having to create a package for each table.

Am I not understanding the purpose of the package configuration?

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