Thursday, March 29, 2012

foreign key - relationship

I have two tables and I'm trying to create a one to many relationship (master table can have many records in the details table)

I created a column in my details table with with ID of the primary key in the master table.

The primary key ID isn't inserted as a foreign key when I insert a record. I specifed the relationship in EM.

Not sure why the primary key ID isn't inserted as a foreign key into my details table?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
-Dman100-Explain how you are doing it?

ohhh you do realise you need to insert the value into the table -- it does not do it automatically|||Okay, my mistake, I thought it would be automatic.

Can I do this within my sql statement, using a join or insert or whatever?? to pass the primary key value from the master table into the details table as a foreign key?

Thanks for your help! I appreciate it.

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