Thursday, March 29, 2012

Foreach variable cannot be applied

I have created a foreach container to capture values from a query and run a script for each line. For some reason though I can't get past the variable mapping.

The SQL Task that is linked to the Foreach container is somthing like this:

SELECT str1, str2, str2, nValue1, nValue2

FROM MyTable

In the SQL Task I've set the following

ResultSet = Full Result Set

Connection Type = OLE DB

Result Name = 0

I've created the following Variables with a Package scope

s1 as String

s2 as String

s3 as String

n1 as Double

n2 as Double

When I run the package I get the following errors

Foreach variable mapping number 4 to variable "User : : n1" cannot be applied

Foreach variable mapping number 5 to variable "User : : n2" cannot be applied

The data type of nValue1 and nValue2 in MyTable are both numeric(19,4)

In setting the variable types in the package it seems that the closest to numeric(19,4) would be double. Is this why it is failing? Is there any way around it? I just need to pass the variables which are numeric and have decimal places.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



See if this blog post helps you:


Thanks for the pointer, I found that if I cast the numeric fields in my query to float that the mapping seemed to pass the variables ok.



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