Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ForEach Loop and Data Flow

In my Control Flow, I execute a data flow that opens a flat file and populates the file into a recordset.

Back to my Control Flow, I have a ForEach container that uses a ForEach ADO Enumerator. Inside the ForEach, I execute an "Execute SQL Task" that updates a table.

This is where I'm confused, while in the ForEach, I also want to call a Data Flow and use the current record (record in my ForEach) and perform several lookup tasks. Unfortunately, I'm now sure how to use the ForEach record as a source in my Data Flow....What am I missing?


We need to get the column values for each record in the "ForEach ADO Enumerator" in some variable.
Then for the tasks inside the ForEach container - we can use those variables.

Similar example is @. http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/foreachadossis.asp



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