Thursday, March 29, 2012

Foreign characters in email


My applications sends email using the smtp service.

When the service sends the mail, the content has some foreign characters in it.

These generally occur when I give forward the mail to someone or when the content has a fullstop.

I have given the subscriber's locale as en-us.

Below given is the first instance which i am facing.

Note: This is an auto-generated mail..Do not reply to this mail..

Above you can see, there are two dots instead of one.

Another instance is when I forward the mail:

?噉?扮灳??噉?剂???慬杮攽?獵挠慬獳伽瑵潬歯敍獳条?慥敤?污杩?氢晥??剉∽呌≒ ̄??慴楢摮硥∽???但呎?捡?吢?楓敺∽? ̄????匠??????? ̄?剂 ̄?吾??圠????匾??匠?????乏???????噉??噉Hi,

These are the characters i had mentioned above.

Are you setting the BodyEncoding element in the DeliveryChannel of the ICF? Something like:




|||yes it is utf-16

navbhan|||Generally speaking, I've seen a number of programs that do not natively support UTF-16. Try UTF-8 and see what happens. If your application requires UTF-16, that may not be a long term solutions, but at least it may help to clarify the issues a bit.



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