Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ForEach Loop Editor


Trying to through a process together and using the "ForEach Loop" task. When configuring the task and using the ForEach Loop Editor I do not have the "ForEach File Enumerator" in the drop down. Anyone know whats going on or what I need to do to make this appear. I only see 5 selections: ADO, ADO.Net Schema Rowset, Variable, NodeList, and SMO Enumerators. I am also using the SQL 2005 eval with SP1.



This has been asked many times before:





Thanks for the info, but feel uncomfortable since I have never compiled C# and not sure if I can do this within BIDS. After reading the posts it appears that some of the registry settings do not have the correct permissions. Would you happen to know which reg settings I need change the permissions for and what permissions they need to have?



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