Wednesday, March 7, 2012

For Xml Auto Problem

Hi All,
I'm running a query such as [select * from table1 where OrderNumber =
123 for xml auto] and saving the results to an xml file (right
clicking the
"link" in the results pane that holds the info and saving as an XML
file). The problem is, if I view the resulting file in notepad it
looks like this:
<test><OrderNumber>123<OrderNumber/><Name>Bob Smith</Name>
ress>456 Some Road</Address><State>CA</State><Zip>12345</Zip></test>
The split <Address> element tag is causing all kinds of issues when I
to open the XML file. Did I just hit the right combination of length,
elements, etc or am I missing something else here? This seems like a
bug becasue it happens on some queries and not others.
If I edit the element tag so it looks correct (<Address>456 Some Road</
Address> ) the XML file opens fine.
Thanks in advance for any help.Actually I just noticed the same issue above in the third paragraph
where 'try' is the only word on the line. What is going on here?

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