Monday, March 26, 2012

Forcing Reporting Services to update with new query?

Take a look and see how long the old version of the report is cached for. Andrew Watt MVP - InfoPath wrote in message >I had a minor error in my query that i corrected, but RS for some reason
> is still using the 'old' query rather than the new 1. >
> I have redeployed the report, rebooted the machine and restarted IIS,
> but to no avail, it is still using the incorrect 'old query. > >
> Any help?
>I had a minor error in my query that i corrected, but RS for some reason is still using the 'old' query rather than the new 1.

I have redeployed the report, rebooted the machine and restarted IIS, but to no avail, it is still using the incorrect 'old query.
Any help?|||There are many reasons that this could be happening, for example, did you check that there were no errors in the build/deploy. Is the report being deployed to the correct server and to the correct folder.

Have you tried deleteing the old report then redeploying it, this will help you to determine where this behavior is coming from. If you try this and it still doesn't work then the problem is somewhere in the report project.

Try this and post what happens.|||Thanks, i have indeed deleted the datasource and the report and redeployed them, but still the same problem.
The report works perfectly in VS2005 preview, yet i get the same error when its is deployed
(If i select an @.FromDate from any month besides september i get the error 'The value provided for the report parameter 'FromDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)' )

Here is my code:
I am trying to select clicks between date ranges
SELECT MIN(A.hitDate) AS minDate, D.AffiliateName, B.ProdType, COUNT(DISTINCT A.ipAddress) AS TOTAL
FROM ArchiveApplyTracking A LEFT OUTER JOIN
ExpertMatchConfiguration.dbo.Affiliates D ON A.affiliateID = D.AffiliateID LEFT OUTER JOIN
ArchiveCampaignIncoming C ON A.campaignID = C.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
ExpertMatchConfiguration.dbo.ProductType B ON A.productTypeID = B.ProdNo
WHERE (A.hitDate >=@.FromDate) and (A.hitDate <@.ToDate) AND (A.ipAddress NOT IN
(SELECT ipAddress
FROM [ExpertMatchTracking].[dbo].ipTracking)) AND (B.ProdType IN (@.ProductType)) AND (B.ProdType NOT LIKE 'refused%') AND ( = 1) AND (D.AffiliateName IN (@.AffiliateName)) AND (B.ProdType NOT LIKE '%prequalify%')
GROUP BY D.AffiliateName, B.ProdType
ORDER BY D.AffiliateName
There must be an error in the deployment as it works 100% in the preview
Thanks for your input

Only thing I can think of is the format of the date. If the format is incorrect then it will appear to work for some dates but then it will not work for others.

|||Thanks, i cant fathom why it works fine in preview, but falls over completly in the deployed report. Nor do i think there is anything from with the date format, it is pretty straight-forward.
But thanks anyway
|||You could try to delete existing report from report server before deploying.

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